Corporate Social Responsibility

All companies belonging to Grupo SolarProfit govern our activity based on our Code of Ethics, which establishes the group’s core values and principles of action.

In particular, we are committed to the following values:

Maximum quality

We offer top-quality services and products in the interest of our customers, the environment and society in general, creating a long-term sustainable project and value, which benefits the Group’s employees, suppliers, collaborators and shareholders.

Customer satisfaction

We deliver an individualized and customized treatment using the most appropriate products and services for each client, depending on their needs.


Sustainability is part of our DNA and we ensure the efficient use of renewable energies and promote environmental care and conservation.

Excellence and professionalism

We develop our business activity with rigour and efficiency.

To comply with our values, our activity is governed by the following principles of action:

  • Compliance with the law
  • Honesty and integrity
  • Transparency of information
  • Anti-corruption and anti-bribery procedures
  • Prevention of money laundering
  • Avoidance of conflicts of interest
  • Respect for Human Rights
  • Promotion of the work environment, safety at work and Social Security
  • Maintaining the relationship with suppliers, shareholders and public administrations
  • Protection of the environment and sustainability
  • Good use of IT resources and data protection
  • Protection of intellectual and industrial property

For more information, click on the link below to view the full Code of Ethics.

In order to report any breach or suspected breach of our Code of Ethics, Grupo SolarProfit’s Compliance Body offers you its Ethics Channel.


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