Ethics Channel

What is the Ethics Channel?

The Ethics Channel is our Internal Information System; a means of communication between informants who wish to report (anonymously or otherwise) any irregularities that may have taken place in the SolarProfit Group.
The purpose of the Ethics Channel is to give informants the opportunity to report the Group’s actions or omissions confidentially, safely and without reprisal.

Who manages the Ethics Channel?

The Ethics Channel is a safe resource which guarantees the confidentiality, safety and integrity of all communications and of the parties who submit them. It is managed by the System Manager, who will perform his/her duties independently of the Group’s governing body.

What can be communicated?

The Ethics Channel is a means which can be used by informants to submit enquiries or complaints relating to compliance with the Code of Ethics. By way of example, shown below are just some of the issues which may be communicated through the Ethics Channel:

  • Financial or accounting irregularities
  • Breach of internal rules and policies
  • Unethical conduct or conflict of interests
  • Theft, embezzlement or fraud
  • Bribery, kickbacks or corruption
  • Use of inside or confidential information
  • Harassment or discrimination in the workplace
  • Environmental aspects
  • Infringements of human rights

For further information, please click on the following link to see the Ethics Channel Regulations, where you will also find the information management procedure and our Policy on the Internal Informant Information and Protection System.

Who can be an informant?

Anyone who works in the Group, or outside it (stakeholders), and who has obtained information on possible infringements in a workplace or professional environment.

What other channels are there?

If you prefer, you can submit your complaint to the Independent Informant Protection Authority. This institution is different in each Autonomous Region, so please check which body is responsible for this function in your region. In Catalonia, this function is performed by the Catalonia Anti-Fraud Office, through its complaints mailbox. The details of the Authority are as follows:
Calle Ribes 1-3, 08013 Barcelona
Tel.: 935 545 555
Fax: 935 545 564

Ethical Channel form

Only if you want to identify yourself:
*Required fields

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